I'll try to answer to the best of my knowledge:
A few questions for understanding:
- coordinate with the tournament organisers the schedule:
That means I ask them when it takes place. And I keep track that there are not two tournies on the same day. Thats it, correct?
That is correct, but it actually is trickier than you'd think.... most probable collisions are between Thundergnome/B7/Nuremberg-tourney and Krampusbowl/Rosenbowl.... and Rosenbowl/SBBM-Cup
- coordinate the series pins with the NAF
I am not sure what that means. What is a "pin". Each tournament needs to register at its own with NAF, does it? And we even had non-NAF tournies if I remember correctly. What action is needed?
You need to "apply" by the NAF in the NAF-Forum in section tournament series by posting the rules for the series. There is a document where this is described on the NAF site (not the members site, but the homepage). Every year the NAF hands out pins for the first three places of the final standing in the series. Each coach has to register their tourney as normal on the NAF site. All tourneys MUST be NAF-tourneys. I don't think we ever had a non-NAF-tourney in the series.
- coordinate trophies for individual events
What does that mean? Who produces them? Still Thorsten? So coordination would mean getting them painted (i.e. making some others paint them :-) ) and shipping them in time. Anything else?
First of all: for Nuffle's sake, learn on how my name is spelled! The markers were produced by Tabletop Art. In the first years I made them myself. in 2019 the SBBM-Club paid for them (through membership fees). In 2020 James paid for them (thanks James). For 2021 it is up to the organizer how he will handle it.
- update the SBBM website with the results
I assume I could use something like your file and you could give me an intro. I liked the simplicity of your file. Not fancy, but perfectly does the job.
If you have a webspace you can host it there and I can put in a link on the SBBM-website.
- further promote the series
Ok, this one even I do understand :-)
That means you need to attend every tourney in the series at least once